How to maintain your exercise routine and avoid injury over the holiday period

The holidays are a time for rest and relaxation, however, this doesn’t mean it’s time to let your routine go down the drain with it! This week on the blog we talk about quick and simple tricks to ensure you are maintaining movement over the holiday period without overdoing it. Meaning post-holiday, you are ready for the new year and less likely to acquire an injury.

Going for a daily walk:
No matter where you are in the world there is always one thing you can do and that is going for a daily walk! If you’re stuck for ideas, jump on Google and search local walking, running, or park trails nearby. It doesn’t have to be long, but, 20-30 minutes daily can make the world of difference to your overall physical and mental health. Plus, it’s a great way to catch up on a podcast or to spend time with a loved one whom you haven’t seen recently!

In the peak of the Victorian Summer, who wouldn’t want to swim! This low-intensity sport helps the body cool off and is gentle on all of your muscles. Swimming is a great way to build up your cardio resistance and similar to walking you needn’t do it for long, 20-30 minutes daily is all you need!

Playing a movement game with family or friends
Whether it’s finska in the backyard or beach cricket, it is vitally important to keep that body of yours moving. Do it in a way that doesn’t feel like a chore, and, within your limits. When you involve those who you are holidaying with it makes it feel less daunting and can actually bond you closer with them. #winwin

Gentle stretching
Keeping the body mobile and limber is of key importance to avoid injury over the holiday period. Daily stretching not only keeps your body mobile and happy but also relaxes you, giving you time to think and slow down for that 10 – 20 minute period.

Yes, you heard us right folks! Although the holidays are for relaxing, a simple house chore like sweeping the floor or wiping down the benches can add that extra movement into your day plus your spouse or whomever you’re staying with will love you for it.

No equipment, no worries
No equipment where you are? Don’t let this be your excuse! Sub in a towel for a matt and use pantry staples like cans of full water bottles for weights! If all else fails, there are a multitude of bodyweight tutorials on YouTube. It’s time to get searching!

The most important thing about holiday exercise and movement is to not overdo it! Daily movement will help you avoid injury and starting behind the gun in 2021, however, it’s important to take this time to rewind and rest after the year that has been.

Let us know your favourite ways to exercise over the holiday period in the comment section below.

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