Exercise and Prostate Cancer

This is an Exercise Physiology consultation

Improved screening and diagnostic tools have led to earlier diagnoses and a greater prevalence of diagnoses of cancer in Australia. Early detection, coupled with improved treatments and longer survival outcomes puts preserving quality of life and maintaining functional status high on the priorities list for people living with cancer.

Regular exercise has been shown to improve quality of life and function in cancer survivors1 and should be utilised through every stage of the cancer survivorship timeline, from diagnosis to end of life care3. Targeted exercise can slow the progression of cancer, reduce the risk of recurrence, and reduce cancer-specific overall mortality4. With just under 150,000 new cancer diagnoses in Australia in 2020 and 5-year survival rates higher than ever1, a clearer understanding of the contribution of exercise to better patient outcomes has been a factor in this shift.

To augment effectiveness, each client’s program should be individualised to complement and enhance their medical treatment plan, and work toward achieving functional and personal goals. Regular, targeted exercise throughout survivorship aims to:

  • Optimise quality of life and physical functioning2,3
  • Manage the chronic and/or late-appearing effects of treatments (e.g., fatigue, lymphoedema, fat gain, bone loss)2,3
  • Reduce the likelihood of recurrence4
  • Reduce the likelihood of developing other chronic diseases for which they may be at risk (osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes)2,3,4




Exercise can help manage complications caused by prostate cancer surgeries, both before and after the surgery by reducing the risk of complications, length of stay and the likelihood of long term incontinence5. Regular exercise can also improve recovery of sexual function, overall strength, fitness and body composition, psychological wellbeing and slow disease progression following RARP6.




Hormone therapy, or ADT, comes with a long list of potential side effects including: muscle and bone loss, increased fat mass and bone fracture risk, sexual dysfunction and loss of libido, hot flashes, decreased mood and fatigue. A tailored exercise program, commenced at the same time as ADT, can improve fatigue and mood swings, muscle mass, overall strength and quality of life and libido, while maintaining bone mineral density to reduce fracture risk7.




Radiation therapy is another common prostate cancer treatment that can create a range of side effects including: fatigue, dry red or itchy skin, anxiety or depression, loss of appetite, weight and muscle strength, reduce physical function and bladder and bowel problems. Exercising before, during and after treatment can improve cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength, flexibility, fatigue while decreasing the severity of incontinence and maintaining sexual function8.



Bone Metastases

The most recent recommendations also focus on safely exercising with bone metastases. Where previously anyone with bone metastases were told not to exercise for fear of injury, the latest recommendations10. promote regular physical activity to manage the side effects of cancer treatment, with consideration of location and presentation of bone lesions. The exercise prescription should have a strong emphasis on posture, controlled movement and proper technique and be assessed and prescribed by a Cancer Specialist Exercise Physiologist to reduce any potential risks10.

In 2019 Exercise and Sports Science Australia released a position statement on the importance of exercise medicine in cancer management11. The main takeaway is to ensure every cancer patient receives a personalised exercise assessment and targeted exercise prescription by a Cancer Specialist Exercise Physiologist, focussing on general and cancer-specific health issues and patient goals.


Our Cancer Specialist Exercise Physiologist

Molly Lowther, our resident Cancer Exercise Specialist Exercise Physiologist offers individual, group and Telehealth exercise programs here at The Exercise Physiology Group in South Yarra. She is a highly qualified and experienced Cancer Specialist Exercise Physiologist adept at tailoring to each client’s medical and personal needs.


Book a session with Molly today:

Molly Lowther




  1. Cancer Council Australia. 2021. Facts and figures: Cancer statistics in Australia. Accessed 29th March 2022. {https://www.cancer.org.au/cancer-information/what-is-cancer/facts-and-figures}
  2. Liska, T. M. & Kolen, A. M. (2020). The role of physical activity in cancer survivors’ quality of life, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes; 18, 2328.
  3. Campbell, K. L., Winters-Stone, K., Wiskemann, J., May, A. M., Schwartz, A. L., Courneya, K. S., Zucker, D., Matthews, C., Ligibel, J., Gerber, L., Morris, S., Patel, A., Hue, T., Perna, F. & Schmitz, K. H. (2019). Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors: Consensus Statement from International Multidisciplinary Roundtable. Med Sci Sports Exerc; 51(11), 2375-2390.
  4. Friedenreich, C. M., Neilson, H. K., Farris, M. S. & Courneya, K. S. (2016). Physical activity and Cancer Outcomes: A Precision Medicine Approach. Clin Cancer Res; 22(19), 4766-4775.
  5. John, J. B. & McGrath, J. S. (2021). ERAS Protocol in RARP. Robotic Surgery; 1201-1209.
  6. Jaime, A. T, Huynh, L. M., Derderian, R., Choi, E. & Wei, H. (2021). Heart-healthy diet and high-intensity interval training as a lifestyle intervention for patients with prostate cancer recurrence following radical prostatectomy. American Urological Association; 203(4), 903-904.
  7. Taaffe, D. R., Galvao, D. A., Spry, N., Joseph, D., Chambers, S. K., Gadiner, R. A., Hayne, D., Cormie, P., Shu, D. H. & Newton, R. U. (2019). Immediate versus delayed exercise in men initiating androgen deprivation: effects on bone density and soft tissue composition. BJU Int; 123(2), 261-169.
  8. Segal, R. J., Reid, R. D., Courneya, K. S., Sigal, R. J., Kenny, G. P., Prud’Homme, D. G., Malone, S. C., Wells, G. A., Scott, C. G. & D-Angelo, M. e. (2009). Randomized controlled trial of resistance or aerobic exercise in men receiving radiation therapy for prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol; 27(3), 344-351.
  9. Huang, J., Shen, J., Rengan, R., Silvestris, N., Wang, M., Erosa, L., Zheng X., Belli, A., Zhang X., Li, Y. & Wu, A. (2020). Incidence of patients with bone metastases at diagnosis of solid tumours in adults: a large population-based study. Ann Transl Med; 8(7), 482.
  10. Campbell, K. L., Cormie, P., Weller, S., Alibhai, S., Bolam, K., Campbell, A., Cheville, A. L., Dalzell, M., Hart, N., Higano, C., Lane, K., Mansfield, S., McNeely, M., Newton, R. U., Quist, M., Rauw, J., Rosenberger, F., Santa Mina, D., Schmitz, K. H., Winters-Stone, K. M., Wiskemann, J. & Goulart, J. (2022). Exercise Recommendations for People With Bone Metastases: Expert Consensus for Health Care Providers and Exercise Professionals. JCO Oncology Practice.
  11. Turner, J., Marthick, M., Murmane, A., Atkinson, M., Czosnek, L., Lawrence, A., Vardy, J., Krishnasamy, M., Emery, J. & Cormie, P. (2022). ESSA Consencus Statement on the role of accredited exercise physiologists in the treatment of cancer.

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