Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation (officially spelled in the American style as Stabilization) is a framework applied to exercise and rehabilitation that was developed at The Prague School of Rehabilitation. In the [...]
Esteemed Professor Stuart McGill, one of the forebears of current thinking around resolving low back pain introduced the notion of the ‘gift of injury’ in one of his many teachings. [...]
At the EP Group, I have to say we probably have a foot in both camps regarding the benefits of anti-rotational exercises for treating back pain. We tend to look [...]
The Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) is the link between your spine and your pelvis. This joint is very rigid and tough, generally allowing only a few degrees of movement. The cartilage [...]
Most people will at some time suffer from back pain. Once you are able to identify the pain as more than likely to come from a mechanical problem then your [...]
Coming into the time of year where the runners among us are starting to get serious about training for the race season, recently published research out of Brigham Young University [...]
Periodisation is the process of dividing and allocating your specific training program into cycled timeframes where each has a specific performance goal according to the foundations your performance. A meticulously [...]
The bio-psychosocial approach to pain management acknowledges that their is not only a physical driver to persistent pain but also contributing psychological and social factors. There are many factors that [...]
Is a friend or family member qualified to help you ‘tame your pain’? This might sound like a controversial question if your friends or family members are not qualified health [...]