Acute Injury Treatment for Dummies

What should I do when I sustain an injury?

1. It is important to REST the area from any activity initially (48hrs).

2. It is then important to ICE the area due to any muscle, soft tissue or structural damages that may be present

3. When we are not applying ice for a 48hr period we need to COMPRESS the area

WHY? – With an acute injury comes oedema/swelling, haematoma/bruising and inflammation/heat. Ice, rest, and compression restricts blood flow to the injured area reducing the severity of oedema, bruising and inflammation. Conflicting research explains importance or reduction of Anti-Inflammatory medications during this phase. With any acute injury it is best to decrease anti-inflammatory medication as we are actually reducing inflammation, therefore directly reducing platelet activity within our blood. Platelets are blocking agents that stop bleeding within our blood vessels, similar to a scab forming when we cut ourselves. If pain relief is needed it is best to take pain relief medication and not anti-inflammatory medication. After an initial 48hrs such medications are acceptable. If you are still confused, it is best to seek professional medical attention.

Once we have recovered beyond an acute phase of injury we ultimately need to MOVE and stay ACTIVE. If we do not sustain movement we will reduce our the condition of the surround soft tissue and range of movement resulting in increased rehabilitation times. Movement is the key to a human body. Moving produces many benefits and health positives. For further assistance on rehabilitation programs for any injuries (acute or chronic) please contact The EP Group today for an assessment outlining your rehabilitation process.

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