Does no pain equal no gain?

We have all heard the “no pain no gain” rhetoric but what does this exactly mean? First of all, pain is one of our body’s mechanisms of protection. If we feel pain upon movement, should we modify what we are doing? It is often important to identify or categorise the pain you are experiencing before making that decision. Pain can be described as being a:
– sharp stabbing pain
– pulsating pain
– burning pain
– aching pain
– radiating pain
– numbing pain
– pins and needles pain.

If you experience any of these types of pains occurring regularly, in the same place in your body, it would be wise get help.

So is there a time when “no pain no gain” rings true?

Most of the time, “no pain no gain” refers to medical term; Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or its abbreviation, DOMS. This is the discomfort we experience after completing some exercise for the first time in a long time, or after tackling a new exercise program. It generally kicks in 24-48 hours after the completion of the exercise bout. There are many reasons why we experience this discomfort. The main reasons are microscopic tears in muscles and tendons and excess waste products of exercise like lactic acid irritating our muscle tissue, hence it is a microtrauma to the area of our body being exercised. The funny thing is, we actually need these microscopic tears to create a training effect as the process of regeneration or repair that takes place ultimately results in stronger and larger muscle fibres that are able to exert more force. In this instance the pain or discomfort you feel literally means progress! So wouldn’t it be a good thing to experience this discomfort after every exercise session? In simple terms, the difference between the first exercise bout that causes the DOMS and the 5th time you complete the same exercise is adaptation. Your body has adapted to the movements and postures of your exercise program. It moves more efficiently, producing less of the nasty waste products, resulting in less microtrauma and as a consequence, less discomfort.

If you are experiencing pain during or after every time that you exercise exercise it is NOT normal and you need to seek advice. At the EP Group we can assist you with your pain, prevent your pain from returning and ultimately help you to enjoy exercise rather than endure it. Don’t work through your pain Contact us today for an individualised assessment and management plan.

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